İskenderpaşa Mahallesi Sofular Caddesi Parlak Apartmanı No:14 Daire:3 Mon - Sun 09:00 - 18:00 +90 552 797 67 44

Beard Transplant

When is Beard Transplant Necessary?

• Beard transplant might be operated when there are scars of acne or different types of damage on the face to cover these scars. Upper mentioned scars might develop in chin, cheeks, mustache or sideburn area. To remove the visibility of the scars are possible with this method.
• Beard transplant operation is necessary when there is the occurrence of hair root loss. Hair root loss may be caused by environmental reasons as well as genetics. Laser epilation, needle hair removal, other surgical operations or burns might result in deformation in hair roots.
• One might use the benefits of beard transplant not only to complete the areas where there is lack of hair but also to increase the density and volume of beard. Meaning that the only reason to have the operation is not to grow beard where there are no hair roots but also to increase the thickness and volume of the present beard area to create a better look.

Beard transplant operations come into prominence during the recent years as an increasing demand. Providing a more charismatic and handsome look for men, well-turned and healthy beards are sometimes created with an extra help. These operations aimed to provide a solution to deficiency, improper or unhealthy beard conditions should be operated by experts. Because beard transplant is considered as a highly significant and sensitive operation as the preferred methods and used tools. Therefore, the level of experience, knowledge and other specializations of the operating staff should be proper.


Number of Roots Used During Beard Transplant

It is obvious that the beard transplant operation may differ depending on the areas of the face it operated on. Information regarding the number of roots are listed as:

• 350-500 hair roots are used in Mustache area
• 600-700 hair roots are used in chin area
• 200-250 hair roots are used in sideburn area
• 300-700 hair roots are used in cheek area


Important Points for Beard Transplant Operation

• Local anesthesia and sedation are applied during beard transplant operations.
• Beard transplant operations, depending on the sensivity of the operation, area and properties, take time between 2 and 5 hours.
• Beard transplant operation is pain-free, and no discomfort will be felt.
• Little fragments of scabs might be seen around the planted area after the operation. These scabs are normal and will heal in time.
• Beard planted area must always be kept dry. One should avoid physical contact with the area, hand touch should be stopped for a period.

There are some elements in beard transplant just as in every medical operation which create the key part. Some points draw attention such as the post-operation actions and processes pre and during the operations. It is important to discuss these details with the patient and then start the operation process.


How is Beard Transplant Operated?

Beard transplant operation, which is considered and wished to be acted upon by almost every man once in their life, is explained to the patient before the operation by the experts. This way, both sides will have the knowledge of consequences.

• Hair roots to be transplanted are gathered from a proper area. Hair root gathering is usually done from neck or temporal sides. To decide at this point, important point is the area of planting. Doctor decides to gather the hair roots from neck or temporal sides depending on the area of planting and the characteristics of hair in that area. The options are evaluated depending on which areas have the most common characteristics.
• Hair transplant and beard transplant conflicts at one point. Requisition of both beard and hair transplant by the same person at different times may result in some conditions as the source of hair roots are is the same. For a person who firstly had beard transplant, and later requested hair transplant, deficiency of hair roots may occur. Therefore, it is important for the person who is requesting a beard transplant to share his ideas about hair transplant with the experts.
• The point that requires the most attention in beard transplant operation is to properly set the angles of planted hair roots and color shades. This ensures a healthy and beautiful beard structure and it is obvious that the planted area will not result in an alien appearance. However, this process should be operated thoroughly by experienced and talented experts.


Post-Beard Transplant Operation Period

Sakal ekimi işlemlerinin ardından bazı konulara ayrıca dikkat etmek önemlidir. Çünkü hızlı ve tam iyileşme halinin ortaya konması için sakal ekimi işlemlerinin ardından uzmanların tavsiyeleri dinlenmelidir.

• Shaving must be avoided within the 10 days after the operation. Hence, taken into consideration the growing beard and working/social environment, precautions should be taken.
• The second day after the operation, some physical activities, providing they are not too demanding, might be carried out. The first day should be reserved for a full-rest and actions might be taken in order to return to normal life starting from the second day.
• Scars will be visible for the first 4 or 5 days therefore healing process will not begin on these days.
• It is regular for the planted hair roots to fall within 2 weeks. This should not cause anxiety. Because the beard will begin to grow back in 3 months.
• Post-operation care applications should be carried out according to expert recommendations. Only this way it is possible to avoid infection and scars. No action that the doctor did not recommend should take place and things that contact should be avoided with must stay away from the face. This way a great healing process should take place.

