İskenderpaşa Mahallesi Sofular Caddesi Parlak Apartmanı No:14 Daire:3 Mon - Sun 09:00 - 18:00 +90 552 797 67 44

FUE Hair Transplant

It is a set of processes operated on people who suffered hair loss on different reasons, in order to gain natural looking, permanent and healthy hair. In hair transplant operations, a person’s own healthy and natural hair is planted on the bald area. Hair gathered from the people who wishes to have hair transplanted, is gathered from areas that does not suffer from falling. Hair transplant provides the person with natural, permanent as if never fallen and original appearance.

In many places around the world, FUE method is preferred especially contemporarily. The main reason is the practicability of the application and the ratio of beneficial outcome to the general. While it is very difficult to achieve that kind of success in any other method, it is possible to grow natural looking and strong hair with the technological approaches and effective ways of FUE Method. Therefore, many people prefer FUE method. Experts recommend this method only certain circumstance that the technological and the technical basis is set properly.


Post-Operation Process

Initially implanted hair falls by the end of the first month. Following the implant date, 2nd or 3rd month hair starts to grow. Therefore, one should not get desperate and should keep taking care of the hair. Maybe the most significant stage on this process is this. The process will be compromised if the person loses motivation and hope once the implanted hair begins to fall. Whereas, the person should know that hair loss in the first stage is completely normal and should take precautions accordingly. The hair will be noticeably voluminous 6 months after the operation, once the shock loss is past, if the all process is handled properly. It will take between 1 and 1,5 years for the hair to find itself and become completely fine. As the hair roots belong to the same person, there won't be any color or style differences. Providing that the hair implant won't be visible.
Tüm işlemler başarı ile yönetildiği takdirde, ilk dökülmelerin de atlatılması ile beraber, tedavinin üzerinden 6 ay geçtikten sonra saçların dolgun ve hacimli olmaya başlaması fark edilir. Saçın kendini bulması ve tamamen iyi bir hal alması ise 1 ila 1,5 yıl arasında olacaktır. Saç kökleri, kişinin kendisine ait olduğu için renk ya da tarz olarak farklılık gözlemlenmez. Böylelikle de dışarıdan bakıldığında saç ekiminin yapıldığı bile belli olmayacaktır.


Post-Operation Process

Initially implanted hair falls by the end of the first month. Following the implant date, 2nd or 3rd month hair starts to grow. Therefore, one should not get desperate and should keep taking care of the hair. Maybe the most significant stage on this process is this. The process will be compromised if the person loses motivation and hope once the implanted hair begins to fall. Whereas, the person should know that hair loss in the first stage is completely normal and should take precautions accordingly.

Saç kılını ortalayacak biçimde yaklaştırılan mikro motor ucu, kılın çıkış açısına göre deriye batırılmakta ve çekilmektedir. Kıl, folikül ile çevresindeki dokuyla beraber kesilmiş olur. Bu kesim işlemi silindirik şekilde yapılır. Ardından ise mikro penset yardımıyla çok hafif bir şekilde çekilmesi sağlanan kılın, hiçbir şekilde zarar görmemesi de sağlanır.

System is managed by automatic processes to save time. Softly gathering and implanting of follicular units into bald area are made possible by micro pores. Each unit contains 2 or 3 follicles.


Technical Features of FUE Method

There are some features of hair transplant operations done using this method;

•In the area where the graft is gathered, the work is done over the root cell directly without a tissue sample.
• There are no visible stitches or scars in the area where the hair is gathered. However, tiny sized scratches occur on the area where the roots are gathered. And the mentioned scratches disappears in few weeks and leaves no mark behind.
•While it is possible to use the grafts received from neck area on hair transplant, it is also possible to evaluate the same grafts for eyebrow, moustache or beard transplant.
•It is possible to gather 4000-6000 grafts in a session depending on the situation of donor area and the number of hair root to be implanted.
•Every graft contains hair between 1 and 3. Meaning that on average, 1 graft is equal to 2 hair.
•Depending on the number of extracted root and the opening, it is possible to implant 50-60 hair root per square centimeter.
•Having a less painful post-operation stage and shorter time to recover, this method stands out from the others.


What are the Points to Consider After Hair Transplant Operation?

• Hair transplant operations require attention and neatness just as any other surgical operation.
•Hair implanted area is sensitive. Contact with any object should be avoided. Contact with any object should be avoided.
• Unless the doctor recommends, sportive activities, sauna and Turkish bath should be avoided.
•Hair might be trimmed with a scissor. Razor should not be used for two weeks.
•Person should not bathe within the 2 days after the hair transplant. Next 2 weeks, hair should be dried using a hair dryer and towel should not be used.
•Smoking and consuming alcohol before and after the hair transplant operation are to be avoided.
•Too hot and too cold areas should be avoided.

