Eyelid Aesthetics
Some people may have problems with their eyelids from birth, some people may do later in their lives. Conditions with one eyelid is opened more or less than the other are among the most common and widely noticeable ailments. Another approach is to assume that both eyelids are problematic. Treatments of these conditions can be successful by applying aesthetic applications. It is possible to achieve the best results in the shortest time especially with eyelid aesthetics.

When both eyelids are of equal length, equal volume and equal ability after eyelid plastic surgery, it means that the operation is successful.
Age Range for Eyelid Aesthetics
Droopy eyelids, which enter the visual field and make it difficult to see, become more pronounced with age. It is a fact that droopy eyelids can be congenital but it is more common in older ages. Statistically, the applicants for eyelid aesthetics have the age range of 35-40.
Important Notes About Eyelid Aesthetics
The following points should be considered;
• During the operation, local anesthesia is applied and the patient is conscious.
• Although local anesthesia is applied, the person does not feel any pain.
• Eyelid aesthetic surgery is mostly done within 2 hours.
• The incisions are made through the natural lines.
• If the operation is for the lower eyelid, the incision is made just below the eyelashes.
The operation includes removal of excess tissue and other elements in the eyelid and
correction of adipose tissue.
• Although the main purpose is to maintain the adipose tissue, in some cases these
tissues can be removed.
Since it is a surgical intervention, a correct planning, an appropriate design and general process analysis should be transferred to the patient first. Then, the findings about the eyelid and its surroundings is collected and the procedures are started.
Swelling of the eyes is very normal for the first two days after the operation. Swelling decrease considerably at the end of the fifth day and it takes two weeks to disappear and the eye circles completely return to normal. The bruises decrease and end in the same way.
Ameliyat sonrasında hastanede yatmaya gerek yok iken, evde bakım yapılarak ve dikkatli şekilde davranılarak iyileşme süreci yönlendirilebilir.
There is no need for hospitalization and the healing process can be experienced at home .