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Relex Smile


BRIEF HISTORY OF LASER EYE SURGERY: Corneal Refractive Laser Eye Surgery has been one of the most popular eye treatment methods. Its technology has been rapidly improved in last thirty years. Like in all other areas of technology, laser eye surgery techonology has been better shaped with the help of high demand of improvement. This techonology has offered three kinds of methods, PRK, LASIK, SMILE.

PRK, is the first generation of laser eye surgeries which is a surface ablation surgery by the usage of the excimer laser on cornea. PRK is affordable and still widely used in vision correction. Known as the second generation of laser vision correction methods, LASIK makes it possible to reshape the cornea with the excimer laser. LASIK became one of the most popular laser eye correction methods nowadays since its advantage on short healing time after the flap surgery

SMILE is the third generation of laser eye surgeries and is a technique of lenticular extraction with a small incision. SMILE redefined the traditional refractive surgeries by only using femtosecond laser with minimal invasive flapless eye surgery technique. Laser vision correction had never been such advanced, sensitive and protective before SMILE was invented. It appears that the future of laser vision correction lies in minimal invasive techniques.




Generation – PRK

• Subepitelyal ablasyon
• Excimer Laser Treatment
• Longer Healing Time
• Patient Discomfort


Generation – LASIK

• Stromal Ablation
• Combined with Excimer or Femtosecond Laser Treatment
• Short Healing Time
• Risks of Flap Complications


Generation – SMILE

• Lenticular Extraction in Stroma Tissue
• Femtosecond Laser Treatment
• Sensitive Treatment
• No Flap Complications



There are many advantages of lenticular extraction with a small incision. MinimalInvasive Flapless Surgery became possible for the first time with SMILE. Clinical procedure is based on lenticular extraction technique which is extraction of the corneal stromal flap with a small incision. SMILE benefits on smaller side-cut by 80% compared to LASIK and on smaller cap-cut by 30%, which offers less risks for dry eye, infection, and epithelial in-growth. By barely touching the corneal flap, SMILE offers better biomechanic protection and stability.


Zeiss is the company that invented the first minimal-invasive flapless SMILE and named the method ReLEx® SMILE. The development of SMILE indicates that the future of refractive eye surgery iss based on minimal-invasive methods. Now it is the time to move on to the third generation of laser eye surgeries.

ReLEx® SMILE is created for excellent performance. ReLEx® SMILE is applied with ZEISS VisuMax®, a high-precision, revolutionary femtosecond laser, with a high level of reproducibility and predictability even in high corrections, with only one type of laser. With its outstanding precision, exceptional speed and precise treatment approach, it is an ideal platform for advanced corneal applications such as SMILE.

