How to Perform an Eye Examination
A basic eye examination is conducted for preventive eye health and for the diagnosis of diseases, aiming to evaluate both eyes functionally and anatomically. The functional assessment of the eyes includes processes such as vision, eye movements unrelated to vision, and eye alignments, among others.
How Is a Basic Eye Examination Conducted?
Temel göz muayenesi fiziksel muayene, refraksiyon, merkezi ve periferik görmenin test edilmesi, göz bebeklerinin incelenmesi, gözlerin hizalanması ve hareketlerini ölçümlenmesi olan okuler motilite kontrolü, biyomikroskobik inceleme, tonometri ve göz çevresi (göz dışı) incelenmesinden oluşmaktadır.
Hastalar gözleriyle ile ilgili belirttikleri esas şikayetin bir parçası olarak ifade etmeseler bile, yukarıda belirtilen
uygulamaların yanı sıra temel göz muayenesinde vital (yaşamsal) bulgular da değerlendirilmektedir. İyi bir görme, nörolojik (sinirsel) görme ağının bütünlüğü ile yapısal olarak sağlıklı bir göz ile gözün uygun ve doğru odaklamasının tümüyle ilgilidir. Bu kavramı, örnek olarak elimize aldığımız bir video kameranın, televizyona ya da projeksiyona bağlı kablo bağlantısı, mekanik olarak sağlam bir kamera gövdesi ve uygun odak ayarına ihtiyaç duymasına benzetebiliriz.

Basic Ophthalmologic Examination in Terms of Refractive Errors
Without correction (uncorrected), the distance focal point of the eye varies in normal individuals depending on the anatomical shape of the eyeball and cornea. A normal eye, referred to as emmetropic, represents the most suitable focus for distant vision. However, in the case of ametropia, which is expressed due to refractive errors like myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism, the eye requires corrective lenses or interventions to achieve the appropriate focal point for distance. In Latin, the condition of ametropic eyes is referred to as refractive error.
Refraction refers to the characterization of any refractive error (the presence of a specific refractive error) and the measurement of the degree of that error. In the context of a basic eye examination, refraction is performed to determine whether the patient’s complaints, such as blurred vision, stem from refractive errors or from medical anomalies of the visual system. In addition to its therapeutic properties, such as providing corrective glasses, contact lenses, or laser applications, refraction also serves a diagnostic function, helping to identify the name of the condition.
Refraction can be measured using a device called a phoropter. This device contains a complete set of corrective lens powers that can be easily adjusted back and forth, allowing for various lens combinations. While the patient focuses on a target point or object, the phoropter enables the comparison and evaluation of the refractive error (subjectively) based on the patient’s responses.
In the continuation of the section on evaluating the basic ophthalmological examination in terms of refractive errors, you can read our next article, "Testing Vision," which discusses the examination of central and peripheral vision, which is a part of the basic eye examination.