Age-related macular degeneration (AMD or ARMD)
Age-related macular degeneration is getting more important in this age. The longer the human life span, the more the disease is seen. As the name suggests, this is an aging disease. Development of devices used in diagnosis made it necessary for ophthalmologists to devote more and more time to this disease.
Although the effect of genetic factors in Age-Related Macular Degeneration is scientifically proven, we can state that it is seen more and earlier in patients with hypertension and diabetes. Age Related Macular Degeneration is examined in two types, although it shows transitions to each other;
1 - Dry macular degeneration
Dry macular degeneration is a common eye disorder among people over 50. It causes blurred or reduced central vision, due to thinning of the macula. The most commonly used method to treat this disorder works on the principle of melting cataract tissue with ultrasonic sound waves. With the Phacoemulsification technique, approximately 2.5 mm corneal incision is made in the eye and no stitches are made. It is a method that requires an experienced surgeon.
2 - Wet macular degeneration
Wet (neovascular) macular degeneration is characterized by blood vessels that grow under the retina and leak. It progresses very rapidly. Therefore, frequent follow-up and examination is important. Vision levels deteriorate rapidly if follow-up and treatment are not properly done. Micronutrition is insufficient in treatment.

Especially follow-up OCT scans and AntiVEGF injections should be administered during active periods. The positive results of these intraocular drug treatments make it possible to increase vision levels again. In order for the patients to give importance to such followups and treatments, their diseases and treatment procedures and developments should be explained well.