İskenderpaşa Mahallesi Sofular Caddesi Parlak Apartmanı No:14 Daire:3 Mon - Sun 09:00 - 18:00 +90 552 797 67 44



Night blindness, also called nyctalopia is an eye disorder seen in less than 1% of people. It can occur due to genetic transition.

There are visual cells in the eye’s retina layer that enable us to see. Among these cells, there are specialized cells called rods, which enable us to see and distinguish objects in the dark environment or at nights.

Night blindness is caused by the destruction of these cells due to genetic transmission, and the deterioration of these cells since they fail to form correctly in the prenatal period.

How to notice?

Night blindness is especially noticed in childhood, especially at night, when the light is low. It is noticed with the attention of parents by observing their children hitting objects and falling.

How to diagnose?

An ophthalmologist exam is absolutely necessary for diagnosis. The ophthalmologist can diagnose night-blindness with dilated fundus examination and a definitive diagnosis can be carried out with a test called ERG.

