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Popo Estetiği

Butt Lifting

Popo Estetiği Hakkında

Every woman’s dream is to have aesthetics hips. Of course, this dream may never be real due to some reasons. Here, in these cases, the butt lifting operation is in question. Thanks to this operation, which allows you to get the fast and problem-free results, you can have an upright butt with easy and comfortable steps.

Today, the butt lifting operation is carried out with different techniques. You can make your preference among these techniques in line with the body structure you have. It will be worth to note that the butt lifting operation will take about 2-3 hours. A natural look will be provided for the hips by taking the advantage of a prosthesis. It will be possible for you to get rid of the sagging look with this operation.


Who Should Prefer the Butt Lifting Operation?

If women, who have sagging butt, want to have a perfect body shape then it will be good for them to take the advantage of this operation. It is possible to achieve this look with the help of the silicones. In this way, the hips will have more shape and be more compatible with the body.
There will be some deformation in the bodies of people who gain and lose weight. Especially the hips are the areas where we observe the most deformations. The butt lifting operations can provide great results in the elimination of the sagging. In this way, the poor image will be completely eliminated which is due to the quick weight gain and loss in women.
The butt area is not in the harmony with the body in some women. Larger or smaller butt area may create a poor image in women. Here, the butt lifting operation will be quite suitable for those who experience such problems.


After the Butt Lifting Operation

Patients should comply with some suggestions after the butt lifting operation. A quick and problem-free recovery period can be achieved in case you comply with these. The patient should wear a corset for 2 weeks. If you wear this corset regularly the patient can return back to her regular life in 3 to 5 days. There is no problem for the patient to go on with her daily activities at the end of this period. The incisions are carried out in a way which will leave the less scar and they cannot be realized with bare eyes.

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Saç Ekimi

Hair Transplant

What is DHI Method? How is It Operated?

Hair gathered by this method is directly planted into the area. Tools called "DHI Pen" are used in this method where there is no need for a duct. Once the hair is placed in the pens, it is planted directly to the target area. In this method, as the ducts are created in the size of graft, there are less transplant scar and less bleeding.

Hair transplant is done in a gradual way in this method. Stages of DHI are listed as such:

On this stage scalp with a diameter smaller than 1 diameter is removed and gathered with a special tool called "micro motor". It leaves no scar and the gathered hair is ready for immediate transplant.

Hair is placed into pens that contains ducts appropriate for the hair length.

Hair Transplant:
Hair inside the pens are applied directly to bald area thus creating ducts allowing to plant all the hair at the same time. Hair is easily transferred according to the angle and depth in the area.


What are the advantages of DHI method?

• A special pen is used to precisely control the angle, depth and direction of the implanted follicle. This creates a completely natural hairline and a natural look. Pens are disposable.
• In this method, the extracted grafts can be planted directly in the receiving area. There is no additional grooving stage.
• No crusting, hollowing or postulation.
• Kafa derisi kan beslemesini etkilemeden cm2 başına 80-90 greft implante etmek mümkündür.
• It is possible to implant 80-90 grafts per cm2 without affecting scalp blood supply.
• The operation is performed with much less pain and bleeding.
• Thanks to the proper genetics and sensitivity of the DHI method, the transplanted roots remain forever.


In which areas can DHI Method be applied?

• Hair transplantation
• Eyebrow planting,
• Beard and mustache transplantation,
• In people who do not prefer shaving,
• It can be applied to people who want the hairless area to be more concentrated.


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Meme Estetiği

Breast Aesthetics

Why is Breast Enlargement Operation Necessary?

Breast area is highly important for women. Because it is a critical part of general appearance. Therefore, any vulnerabilities regarding this area or problems may be eliminated by aesthetical interventions. It is quite normal to consider breast enlargement operations if the volume of the breast does not satisfy the person. Many women often seek aesthetic surgeon’s help in this point.

Almost every person pay attention to some elements to achieve a better looking. At this point, some aesthetic operations become valuable. Because it is an important issue to alter a part of the body in a desired way to create a better looking. It may be seen that women might require such aesthetic operations. Breast form, breast size may be the subject of these aesthetical touches.


What Are the Main Features of Breast Enlargement Surgery?

As it is for every surgical operation, there are some facts to put our attention. Facts listed below should be learn before surgery;

• Breast surgery is not obstacle to pregnancy. However, for safety issues it is healthier to wait 6 months after the surgery.
• Breast enlargement surgery may cause a temporary numbing around the nipple area, but permanent numbness ratio is 1 percent.
• If the breasts are both small and sagged, lifting operation may be carried out with enlargement.
• Implantation of breast prothesis surgery takes around 2 hours.
• While silicone-based breast prothesis is preferred widely, sometimes physiological saline solution based prothesis may be preferred.
• Even though experts try to perform the operation without leaving any scars or incision marks, depending on patient’s demand and prothesis’ situation, incision spot check may be applied.
• Being present at the facility 1 hour before the surgery is recommended.


Are Breast Enlargement Implants Healthy?

Breast implants are important for breast enlargement. Over the years, there have been many doubts regarding these implants. However, it is easy to say those prothesis are harmless and if certain elements are taken care of, there will be no troubles.

• Breast implants are proven healthy after certain research. Questions about whether it causes breast cancer or not are answered with these researches.
• The reason behind using silicone for breast prosthesis is the rare occasion of allergic symptoms. Therefore, silicone is considered as one of the most proper material and prosthesis are produced in this aspect.
• Even though breast prosthesis is safe and healthy, it is obligatory to choose the best brand silicone prosthesis.

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